There’s lots to announce! First of all, Inhospitable is out. Finally! At last! Here’s a link to the Camphor Press page for the book. There, you can either order it directly from them, or you can follow the links to Amazon and the other e-retail suspects:

And there’s a book launch this weekend (Sunday, 5/20/2018, at 4pm) here in Hong Kong! Here’s a link to the Facebook page. It’s actually a joint launch with Xu Xi’s Insignificance, which Signal 8 Press is publishing in June. If you’re in Hong Kong, you’re welcome to join. In addition to doing our own readings, some of the actors from Liars’ League HK will be doing them too. It promises to be a very fun event:

(It’s open to the public, by the way. No one will be checking to see if you’re on the List.)

Next up, some short-story goodness. QLRS, Singapores’s literary journal, has published my short story “Love Is a Poisonous Color”:

My short story “Everybody’s Cleopatra” was featured in the last LLHK event:

And another new story, “These Are the Days of Miracle and Hunger,” will be in the next one (May 28).

Last but not least, I was on RTHK Radio 3’s talk show Morning Brew with Phil Whelan earlier this week. Here’s a link if you’d like to hear me jabbering about Inhospitable, ghosts, and the book launch (you may need to scroll down):