1. Two interviews with Donna Miscolta have appeared online in the last few days:

The Freelance and Fiction Blog: http://freelanceandfiction.weebly.com/1/post/2011/07/author-pov-donna-miscolta.html

First Line Fiction: http://firstlinefiction.blogspot.com/2011/07/author-interview-donna-miscolta.html

Congratulations, Donna!  It’s great to see the buzz building around this book.  It’s one that I know people will enjoy immensely — after all, it was a bit of a departure from what I had envisioned for Signal 8 Press, but when I read it, I was like Oh hell yeah.

2. Supernova by Dewi Lestari is the first of the Modern Library of Indonesia series we’re reprinting (as BookCyclone) in partnership with The Lontar Foundation.  (Isn’t the cover fantastic?  Actually, they all are.)  I had it done first to get the formatting approved and finalized.  Nine more are in the pipeline and should be done next week.  I’ll start uploading Supernova later today; look for that to become available for purchase sometime next week.  Barnes & Noble will most likely be first, since Amazon’s a bit backlogged these days.  All ten should be up for sale within a few weeks’ time.

3. The BookCyclone site is inching (millimetering) toward completion.  The downloading feature has been sorted out, although it’s not as intuitive as we’d like it to be.  The developers are working on simplifying the process.  The metadata fields still aren’t always populating properly, either, which leads to some wonky search results.  As always, if you’re using the site and seeing bugs, please let us know!

4. Nury Vittachi’s Only in Asia now appears on the site with a price set at zero dollars.  This is, as I’ve mentioned before, a promotion.  Nury offered to do this book for us to help kick-start sales.  (We think he rocks.  Please go buy a dozen or so of his books, in addition to buying a similar number of ours.)  We will send it free to the first [insert yet-to-be-decided number in this space] people who buy books via the BookCyclone site.  We’ll send it via e-mail in the preferred format; otherwise, anybody could just come along and help themselves to it, which for us would kind of defeat the purpose.  Thanks again, Nury!