Well, a lot has happened since the last update. Since I’ve got at least two new books coming out, I think it’s time to start catching up.

The highlights:

1. I moved to the UK in July 2020. I accepted a position as Course Leader and Senior Lecturer in the School of Communication at Falmouth University. I teach on the creative writing program, as you’d expect. So far it’s been amazing.

2. I sold my memoir I Wouldn’t Normally Do This Kind of Thing not too long after arriving here. Rebel Satori Press will be releasing it in or around August 2022.

3. Since getting here, my two co-edited (with Sam Meekings) academic books on creative writing have been released. Those are The Place and the Writer: International Intersections of Teacher Lore and Creative Writing Pedagogy (Bloomsbury) and Creative Writing Scholars on the Publishing Trade: Practice, Praxis, Print (Routledge). Sam and I have a third one in the works as well, also from Bloomsbury: The Scholarship of Creative Writing Practice: Beyond Craft, Pedagogy, and the Academy. This ought to be a late 2023 release, if everything goes according to plan.

4. I seem to write mostly creative nonfiction these days. I’ve had about a dozen essays published in the last year or so, and I love the form. I’m also enjoying rather more success with it than I have with fiction.

5. New book goodness! I have three finished manuscripts in various publishers’ hands:

  • Blood and Black T-shirts: Dispatches from Hong Kong’s Descent into Hell 2019-2020. This is just what the title suggests, my writings from HK’s year of protests.
  • Sunset House. This one contains 14 essays. I’ve somehow written an essay collection. I feel very adult now.
  • Love Is a Poisonous Color. Short-fiction collection no. 4.
  • I’m also closing in on the end of a new novel, Winterville. More on that once I’m actually done.

I’m also a lot more active on Twitter than here, so if you’d like to check me out: @marshallsmoore