Yet again, another lapse in the updates.  I really must get better at this.

1. In addition to the two e-bookstores I announced earlier, we've partnered with three more e-retailers here in the Asia-Pacific region:

  • AsiaBooks (Thailand)
  • Papataka (Indonesia)
  • Flipreads (Philippines)

There's one more that I'm working on, but I won't say where it is just yet.  What I'm trying to do is position us as the leading e-book partner for the Asia-Pacific region.  It seems to be working.  (And the fact that we've got good connections with South Africa only adds to the coolness.)

2. With that in mind, we would like to expand BookCyclone to do distribution along with e-publishing.  In other words, if you are an indie author or publisher and are already focusing on, say, Amazon and Barnes & Noble, then you could contract with us for Asia-Pacific and South African rights.  We can distribute your e-books to 10 e-retailers (for now) in these two regions, without encroaching upon your existing e-retail relationships.  If this is interesting, please e-mail me/us: hello at typhoon-media dot com.

3. Things are looking good with Signal 8 Press.  Chris Tharp's Dispatches from the Peninsula is like the Little Engine That Could: it just keeps selling, not in quit-the-day-job numbers but quite respectably at the indie-press level.  Check out Chris's article in Escape from America here:

We're also already in acquisition mode for 2014.  (Already!)  It's probably not totally premature to announce that we'll be publishing Chris's second book, the title of which is yet to be determined.  We're also planning to publish an anthology of travel writing/memoir by expat women in East Asia (or who have lived in the region in the past).  The call for submissions will be released in the next couple of months.  There should be a couple of other cool surprises in store, as well.

4. There will be a couple of other expansions announced within the next year or so.  Unless the world blows up, of course.  🙂