In the glowing aftermath of that first review of When the de la Cruz Family Danced, I decided to go on and put the e-book on sale.  It occurred to me that it might be a good way to get the buzz started.  It has already appeared in the Barnes & Noble Nook store, and should arrive in the Kindle store in the next couple of days.  Please note that I made a typo when I entered the information in the Kindle store metadata form: the correct price is US$5.99 (this is an introductory price and will rise later).  I’ll fix that as soon as I can, but it’ll delay things slightly.  Next will be Omnilit, Weightless, and BookCyclone.  The good folks at Kobo can’t seem to be bothered to answer e-mail, nor to fix their uploading system, so if anyone actually buys e-books through them or one of their partners, well, I hope they will look elsewhere.

The force of nature that is Xu Xi has added another of her backlist titles to our catalogue: Hong Kong Rose.  Look for that in another day or two, in the usual places.

Also, our first release from Matahari Books in Malaysia will shortly be available via Amazon and B&N: Body 2 Body: A Queer Malaysian Anthology.  We have four more from Matahari in the pipeline, but this has taken quite a bit more time than we expected, since the source files were super-complex PDFs.  In another week or so, Islam in Malaysia should be ready.

In other Signal 8 Press news, I’m almost finished with the edits to Xu Xi’s forthcoming collection Access.  We’ve made the decision to swap out one of the stories, "Jazz Wife," and will include "Iron Light" in its place.  I’ve also finished edits to my own collection, The Infernal Republic, which will be our fifth book (and my fourth).  I am going to change the order of the stories again, because now that I’ve reread it yet again, I think the balance still isn’t quite right.  And Chris Tharp’s Dispatches from the Peninsula is ready to go to the printers; we’re just waiting on blurbage.

And… the S8P website’s been touched up again.  Some of the text will require tweaks, since Justin (our designer) has been working from old files, but that part’s easy.

One last (but quite important) thing: we’ve reopened for submissions.  One book that we had slated for the end of 2012 is now on hiatus.  We still expect it to happen, just not for another year or so.  Which is fine.  But what this means is that we’re now able to consider manuscripts for publication in late 2012 and beyond.

Please note that we are mainly interested in novel- and novella-length fiction, and nonfiction, at this time.  With three short story collections in our first two years of life, we need to maintain a balance.  I’m not willing to publish another collection before the second half of 2013.  If you are interested in submitting one, please QUERY first!